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How do I retrieve photos from REALTOR.ca DDF®?

As a way to save your business time and money, we’re changing how you pull photos from DDF® to power your websites.  As a result, support for streaming images through the GetObject function of the Object service will be discontinued as of July 6, 2020

How will I pull photos? 

The DDF® payload will now expose the image URLs for all three photo types: 

•ThumbnailPhotoURL (low resolution); 

•PhotoURL (medium resolution); and

•LargePhotoURL (high resolution).

What does this mean for my business? You will now have two options to retrieve photos from DDF®: 

1.   Store the URLs in your system and embed them directly into your websites. The benefit of this method is not having to download and store every possible listing image for every customer’s site. This will also allow you to manage your DDF® better feeds by reducing the time needed to keep the feeds in sync and removing the need for large amounts of file storage. This is the recommended approach for most DDF® clients. 

2. You can also download images using the URL instead of streaming through the GetObject function of the Object.svc and continue storing photos within your system. 

What happens if I don’t make the change by July 6, 2020? 

If you don’t make any changes, your websites will not receive any photos from DDF®. 

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